BCAAs (Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine) are considered “essential” because humans cannot survive unless we obtain them through diet.“Branched chain” refers to its chemical structure. BCAAs, in particular leucine, have the potential to produce anabolic effects on protein metabolism by increasing the rate of protein synthesis and simultaneously decreasing the rate of protein degradation in skeletal muscle tissue. For exercising under certain extreme conditions, studies show BCAA may help prevent muscle loss at high altitudes and prolong endurance during heat stress (Schena, 1992. Mittleman, 1998) The ratio of BCAAs can vary from formula to formula and in this case the emphasis was placed on leucine primarily due to its role in providing metabolic support for insulin sensitivity.* Many studies have indicated that exercise-induced blood ammonia elevation and blood lactate increments have been supported by L-citrulline supplementation. Citrulline may support the detoxification of ammonia via the urea cycle and also support healthy levels of additional glycolysis needed during exercise.* Furthermore, citrulline may help reduce post-exertional muscle soreness (Rhim 2020) and a study in female athletes showed improved resistance exercise performance (Glenn 2017).
L-Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in plasma and a major carrier of nitrogen. Since glutamine exhibits an impact on nitrogen balance, it could be considered vital to building muscle mass and muscle repair.* It is a mainstay in many workout products, specifically because of the role this amino acid plays in muscle recovery. Specifically, glutamine may reduce soreness after exercise and promote faster recovery (Lagault, 2015) and attenuate exercise induced muscle damage (Cordova-Martinez, 2021). Frontier BCAAs Powder also contains an Amino Acid Complex featuring L-Threonine, L-Cysteine HCl, L-Histidine HCl, L-Lysine HCl, L-Phenylalanine, L-Methionine, L-Tyrosine, and L-Tryptophan. Protein is comprised of amino acid building blocks, which the body uses in a variety of ways for maintenance, growth, and repair of various tissues. Some of these amino acids can only be obtained from the diet (“essential amino acids”) and others can be made by the body itself. Some amino acids like tyrosine and tryptophan are utilized in the body to form the basis of neurotransmitters and hormones.